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Saturday Classes Weeks 1-3

IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher works as a team with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members.

Description: This is a unit plan on friendship created by me and two of my peers. We taught this lesson to Kindergarten for three weeks. In this lesson, our students were introduced to clay and created charms. They then painted their charms and collaborated as a class to build a garland together using beads and yarn. 


Rationale: Through this lesson, students were able to learn not only how to create clay charms, but how to develop friendships and effectively collaborate with one another. The purpose of this lesson was for students to work together and form friendships within the classroom and outside the classroom. 




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Saturday Classes Weeks 4-5

IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Description: For the last two weeks of Saturday classes, my group and I composed a unit plan on perspective and empathy. Through this lesson, students were able to discuss empathy and create still-life drawings. These drawings were created under red LED lights in order to disrupt the students' visual perspectives. Using oil pastels, students were challenged to draw what they saw since they could not depict the correct colors under the red lighting that surrounded them. 


Rationale: The goal of this lesson was for students to understand empathy and to learn about different perspectives in both art and life. By drawing from different perspectives and not knowing what colors they were using to draw, students were able to see how not everyone sees the same thing that other people do, therefore, it is important that we understand other people's points of view.  




Classroom Setup

IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive. 7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.


Description: For the Kindergarten setup, there was a materials table set up every Saturday for students to pick up and put away materials. The posters were hung near the materials table and close to the tables where students would be seated. The tables were also covered in paper and kept free of materials. For the 3rd grade classroom, we had red LED lights set up throughout the classroom. The still-life was set up in the middle of the room and the tables were in a circle surrounding the still-life. The students each had a table with their own oil pastels and paper for them to draw. 


Rationale: For Kindergarten, there was a materials table set up in order for students to establish a routine of where to pick up and put away materials. It was also helpful for students because if they had been kept on the tables, they could have been distracted during lecture times. Posters were also placed near student tables and material tables so that they would be easier for them to see. For 3rd grade, the red LED lights were placed in order to change the students visual perspectives. The still-life was placed in the middle and the students circled around it in order for them to draw from different perspectives. This allowed everyone to draw different objects and to feel more enthusiastic about drawing from different perspectives. 



Pal 1's

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: I attended a BFA Collaborative Exhibition in Julian Hall. This exhibition was called "Gather 'Round: Giving Form to Folklore". Each piece was centered around a certain folk story. 


Rationale: Because I attended this exhibition, I was able to see what the ceramic students had worked on. I also learned about different folk tales that I had not heard of before. This exhibition was also interesting because one of our classmates was in the show, and it was good to see his pieces and what he does outside of the art education classroom. 



Description: For my second PAL 1, I attended an exhibition at Julian Hall with three of my art education friends. in this exhibition, we were able to see different types of artworks from drawings, to paintings, and animations. It was a very small, but fun exhibition to attend. 


Rationale: Visiting this exhibition not only allowed me to look at art but to also bond with my fellow art education friends. Being able to experience the art around us was a very fun time. It was also nice to see what the students had been creating over time and the ways in which they decided to display their art. 



PAL 2's

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: For my first PAL 2, I helped out in the annual poster sale that is sponsored by the NAEA. At this poster sale, I helped in restocking posters and cleaning up after the event was over. 


Rationale: This poster sale was important because a lot of the profit went to the NAEA student chapter. Therefore, it was important to help out in this event and a good way to help and get to know students in the community as well because there were a lot of them there every day looking forward to buying posters. Since there were also a lot of other art education students helping out, it was a good way for all of us to collaborate. 



Description: For my second PAL 2, I participated in a 5x5 art education exhibition. In this mini-exhibition, all art educators get to create a small drawing of their choosing and display it. For mine, I chose to draw my roommate's plant. 


Rationale: This mini-exhibition was important because I was able to see what my fellow art education classmates were working on and get to know their art styles. Because we are usually only learning about teaching, I do not get to see many of my peers' artworks. Therefore this exhibition is a very fun one where I get to see some of their art and create some as well. 



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