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Studio Assignment 

IPTS (2013) Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content-area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.


Description: This is an example that I created for the students I co-taught at Metcalf. It is an 8x8 self-portrait using acrylic paint about my own intersectionality. 


Rationale: By creating this painting, students were able to have an example of a portrait that demonstrates my own intersectionality. In order for students to comprehend my message better, I created an artist statement in which I explained all of the choices I made and how my portrait portrays my intersectionality. 





211 Unit Plan 

 IPTS (2013) Standard 1 - Teaching Diverse Students – The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.


Description: This is a unit plan I created with two of my other classmates. We taught this lesson at Metcalf and it was about intersectionality and identity. It focused on self-portraiture and how one can portray their own intersectionality in a multitude of different ways through art. In this lesson, students created a self-portrait of themselves and manipulated their facial expressions, and background colors, and added objects in order to show the viewer more about their intersectionality. 


Rationale: Through this lesson, students were able to reflect on their own intersectionality and identity. They were able to acknowledge what was important and meaningful to them and how they could portray it through a portrait. Their portraits became more than just a painting, but rather something meaningful that portrayed the different things that made up who they are and demonstrated their intersectionality. 



Studio Assignment Assessment 

IPTS (2013) Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student 6 growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Description: These are some formative and summative assessments created for the 8th-grade class I co-taught the lesson on intersectionality. The formative assessment is a "Who Are You?" worksheet that students can fill out to help them incorporate intersectionality into their portraits. The summative assessment is an artist statement in which students can reflect on the painting they created, explain their decision-making process, and connect their portrait to the unit of intersectionality. 


Rationale: The formative assessment is a way to help students brainstorm ideas for their self-portrait painting. This allows the teacher to know if the students' ideas are on the right path and whether they connect to intersectionality or not. The summative assessment helps students reflect on their work and to look back at the artist handouts to make connections to the unit. It serves students as a way to recall information they learned while also explaining their artwork and describing it to the viewer. 



Artist Handout and PowerPoint 

IPTS (2013) Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.


Description: This is an artist handout that students can read to learn more about the artist Emilio Villalba. My group and I also created a Powerpoint to go along with our unit. In this, we include vocabulary, and information about artists, along with other important information about intersectionality. 


Rationale: The artist handout was meant to provide students with further information about the artist and their works. The PowerPoint was a way to provide students with visuals that went along with our lesson. The questions included in both the artist handout and Powerpoint used the Conceptual Frameworks for students to gain a deeper understanding of intersectionality. These questions focused not only on asking about the composition of artworks but also on how they could be connected to the artist's intersectionality. This allowed for a deeper conversation between the class. 



PAL 1's

IPTS (2013) Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: I attended the 2022 Faculty Biennial at University Galleries where I was able to see many artworks by faculty and staff.


Rationale: walking through this exhibition was inspiring because I was able to see many professors who have taught me and see that not only are they great educators, but also talented art makers. I loved seeing all of the great works they showed and seeing what they create outside of the classroom. 



IPTS (2013) Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: I attended the Student Annual Exhibition at University Galleries to view current student work. 


Rationale: This exhibition was wonderful because it allowed me to see all of the great works that are being created at Illinois State. I do not often get to see what other art students are making, so being able to look at everything in person allowed me to learn more about what students dedicate their time to, what their passions are, and all of their great accomplishments.



PAL 2's

IPTS (2013Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: These are some Valentine's Day cards I made using construction paper, marker, and yarn. 


Rationale: By creating these Valentine's Day Cards, they were able to be given to the people at Carriage Crossing Senior Living of Bloomington. This allowed me to create art and share it with the community by mailing out these cards. 



IPTS (2013) Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Descriptions: This is a small 5x5 drawing I created using colored pencils. 


Rationale: This small but fun piece was displayed in a mini-exhibition for all art educator students. The exhibition allowed me to share art with my peers and to see the art that they created as well. 



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