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Artist Research 


2I)  Evaluates teaching resources and materials for appropriateness as related to curricular content and each student’s needs



I created a presentation with a classmate about London artist Hattie Stewart. We researched her work and how we could incorporate her style into an elementary classroom. 



By researching this artist, we were able to recognize new art forms, appreciate the benefits of doodling on people, and learn more about new artist that could be beneficial and influential towards students. 



Elementary Lesson Plan


VA: Cr2.2.3a: Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials, tools, and equipment for a variety of artistic processes.

VA: Cr3.1.3a: Elaborate visual information by adding details in artwork to enhance emerging meaning.



I created a lesson plan intended for 3rd graders in elementary school that includes abstract expressionism and went along with the National Art Standards. 



Through this lesson, children will learn about several abstract artists, learn how to create their own abstract works, and to express their feelings through their art and develop deeper meanings in their works. They will also be able to explore a variety of different materials while engaging their curiosity. 



Saturday Art Classes


VA:Cr1.2.2a: Make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity. 



I had the opportunity to attend two Saturday Art Classes that were led by Art 309 students. I was able to observe 3rd graders the first Saturday who worked on making self portraits. The second Saturday, I observed 2nd graders who were creating a project with yarn and later on decorated CDs which they hung on the yarn. 



Through these art lessons, the children were able to discover new materials and learned how to use them. They were also able to learn how to create their own unique installation and let their curiosity guide them throughout the process. 





7A: understands child development and the psychological principles of learning and how they apply to visual arts education.



I had the opportunity to observe 2nd-4th grade art classes at Washington Elementary School. Here I got to see many different projects they created as well as many different and useful classroom management techniques. 



Through these observations, I was able to learn a lot about different artist and how the diversity in them has a huge impact on students. I also learned how to incorporate projects that are age appropriate and that children can usually be more capable of things than we may think. 





7G: understands the need for continuing study, self-evaluation, and professional growth.



I went to the opening of the Illinois Art Station with my friends and we were able to immerse ourselves in a lot of art as well as gather ideas for our future classroom. Participating in their art activities that were mostly intended for younger children was a lot of fun and helped to bring out the creativity in me. 



Attending this event helped me want to incorporate a variety of different and unique materials that children can use in my future classroom. 



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